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Member since April 19, 2017
Last seen April 19, 2017
Edits so far 0
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dont know about UK shows for the most part

hey again, what about now? I think it's much more complete!

Hi that's really nice of you - but that looks exactly like the set from Sunday's concert which I attended. From what I can see on youtube he did Barcelona and Photograph on Monday (sigh, I wish he'd done those on Sunday too)... Anyway, if I'm wrong somehow and you have other info, do let me know, cheers again

Hey cc1984; I updated the setlist you requested from what I've seen on Youtube; it might not be complete, but at least it's something!

Thanks that's nice of you, fingers crossed

Hi, I wasn't at the show in Glasgow but the setlist looked incomplete so I marked it as such. Someone might eventually post the setlist