Kadyfollowill's setlist.fm

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Member since April 3, 2017
Last seen March 20, 2024
Edits so far 23
Edits last month 0


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That will do it. If you're interested and haven't already seen them there are other YouTube videos of this show. And you could add them to the setlist songs if you feel like it and have the time to do so.

A comment or a link to a listing or other source works best. If you attended the show you can just say you were there. You see, I know now that you must have had some 'source/reason' for listing this show as it is legit but without any mention of it nobody has a way to know that. You might be surprised how many people out there get their kicks from vandalizing setlists and listing fake shows on this website.

Please provide actual sources for your edits. This show was reported for deletion because it had no source. I found YouTube videos of the show so I didn't delete it but we really don't have the time to check out every unsourced show that is reported and confirmation can often be harder for us to find than you.
