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Member since December 12, 2022
Last seen April 25, 2024
Edits so far 417
Edits last month 9


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Thanks for changing that dear Jeff BB!! Yes I am glad you amended that so that of course the 2 shows at the same site match up correctly. I guess the first year I did not know the festival title so I just went with venue as close as I could approximate. Glad you are a fine contributing member here. Lol....and I rely on YOU if I need setlist help. You know most bands like The Stones, the Who or Elvis Attractions have an archivist. In these 3 instances, it was the bass players...Wyman, Entwistle or Bruce Thomas. Glad you've taken the role here. Peace, yourbronxapostle

Jeff BB!!!! I see you had changed 6/5/22 to SUMMERFEST instead of the church as venue. Was it titled similarly for the 6/4/23 show too??? If so, change that for us all please. Thanks, ba

You need to start providing sources for your edits. Writing "I was there" doesn't qualify as a source unless you also check the box that indicates that you were in attendance

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JeffBaseball saw 55 different artists.