DipsyDave's setlist.fm

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Member since October 30, 2018
Last seen March 11, 2024
Edits so far 176
Edits last month 0


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Hi. I wanted to ask if you managed to record any of the bands/artists you saw over the years? Many shows have gone undocumented so any sort of recording or even photographs of these legendary moments in history is a special treat to those who were there or wished they were there. If you did any of this, feel free to shoot me an email at thewalruswaspaul1966@gmail.com and I could possibly help digitize these recordings you've made. Thanks!

Hi there,
I noticed you mentioned just what you did on setlists to bypass the mandatory edit comment feature.
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To ensure that edits are verified for other users, and to avoid unnecessary discussions and save a lot of time in the future, edit comments have been made mandatory for all users.
Please ensure that you share informative comment with future edits, so that everybody understands where you received the information you're contributing.

Really sorry for correcting your original entry. I've been entering all the gigs I've seen and thought I'd entered that one with the incorrect date.
Interesting to scan through some of the other pages in that edition of The Wycombiensian. I, too, was in Wycombe Action Group at that time but representing John Hampden.

There's no setlist of the tour??? I'm waiting

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