westonia's setlist.fm

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Member since March 11, 2014
Last seen February 19, 2024
Edits so far 155
Edits last month 0


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Wasn't sure how well I'd like The Twilight Sad live. The CDs are really good. Saw some live videos on Youtube in the past, that the quality wasn't so great, so you couldn't really hear all the nuances of their songs.

Wish I had been lucky enough to get tickets for more of the shows. I have to thank an old friend for getting our tickets for this one. Have fun at those shows. They always seem to enjoy their shows in New Orleans when they stop there.

Thanks on the quick reply. Actually you had them all on the money as far as the order goes. The only thing I saw different was the order of those two. Was that a really great show or what???

Quick question...I was jotting down the songs from The Twilight Sad show in New Orleans last night...I had jotted down "That Summer..." before "I/m Not Here" and saw you added "That Summer" later after their set. Do you think I had the right order...I didn't want to change it without asking what you thought.

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westonia saw 147 different artists.