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Member since August 19, 2010
Last seen April 9, 2024
Edits so far 485
Edits last month 0


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Hi @tonymasiello, thank you so much for kindness. I did just send you the email with the info we have. And we do plan on getting the dna test done, the pandemic has slowed it down! Lol.
We just found out the bar the pic was taken in was the Fore N Aft today which is the first new info he has found in a long time, so we just started scouring the internet to find anything! So thank you for being willing to help! Your kindness is appreciated greatly (:

Sorry... I do not have one. I did not even know there was a poster made for that show. Good luck with you quest!

Hi there! I'm trying to track down the poster from the Duran Duran/ James show, January 1994 at RAdio City Music Hall. Do you happen to have one you'd be willing to sell? Thanks! --andrew

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