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Member since April 16, 2013
Last seen March 25, 2024
Edits so far 314
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I told you in my own language, which is listed on the musicbrainz link, most, if not all of the songtitles, are incorrectly written over there. If the mods on musicbrainz don't follow their own rules, or correct these, it's not my fault. So yes they may be written in another way over there. Here on setlist we use their guidelines and we follow them up. Even if Welsh isn't listed amongst the languages. I guess it might be too charging to list all 6.500 languages which are spoken on Earth.

If I changed incorrectly proper nouns, send them to me, and I'll revert these.
The list of languages on musicbrainz is not limited to the ones listed

Thanks for your probably ironic remark. I've discovered more Welsh songtitles which are incorrectly written according to the guidelines.
If there are rules, they are there for some reason.
Songtitles in my native languages aren't always written the way I would do it, but I accept it.