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Member since November 23, 2016
Last seen March 21, 2024
Edits so far 99
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Hi Peter,
I just wanted to check with you regarding this show:

My source says they played Brisbane on this date:

There's no other stop on the tour on for Brisbane, but there are the four shows at the Continental in Melbourne.

I have to add quite a few gigs's which are not listed, that's going to take some time. Thanks for reminding me about Mulatu Astatke. World music is not really on my radar, but this was one helluva gig. Most obscure listing goest to the Undies gig at the Punters. Would have been 200 punters at the Punters. It was a phenomenal show. Thanks Juan!

OK, need to add Cat Power, Teenage Fanclub, Mulatu Astatke.

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