kayleighf's setlist.fm

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Member since March 6, 2017
Last seen April 10, 2024
Edits so far 77
Edits last month 0


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No need to send the vid. Thanks so much for confirming. Have fun!

Hey, just caught Greer's set in SF. Are you sure they did a cover of the Natural Milk Hotel song? Because they have an original song called "Aeroplane" which is not a cover. And I can't find video of them doing the cover...

Thanks Kayleigh!
Glad to know when they'll be playing. I saw them in '92 with Layne, and this will be the first I've seen them since. Looking forward to tomorrow night!
Thanks again,

Hello kayleighf,
I am going to see AIC tomorrow night. Can you tell me if they play before Korn and approximately what time they took the stage?
Thanks for your time,

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