ianpleasance's setlist.fm

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Twitter moanyian

Avid gig attendee, mostly Post-punk and Alt.Rock. Part time stage and sound/light technician


Member since April 15, 2018
Last seen April 23, 2024
Edits so far 2314
Edits last month 47


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Thanks for posting the Avril Lavigne setlist pic! We have a lot of trolls who just fill in generic setlists on any empty show of a tour. Appreciate the source link.

Hi. You can host photos for free on a site like flickr.

Hello I am a major fan / collector of ABC and I noticed that you were at this show.
By any chance do you have an audio or video recording of this ABC show or others?
I have an extensive list of private recordings of many 80's bands and would happily trade.

User charts

ianpleasance saw 449 different artists.