haye7880's setlist.fm

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Member since July 30, 2010
Last seen April 25, 2024
Edits so far 96
Edits last month 1


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Look to the far right side of the line when it changes you input and there will be a tab "revert". Select that and it will revert to your input. It's an option they included in the program for situations like this.
I saw the show in Ottawa the night before and now I regret not going to the Lee's Palace show as well. I'm still trying to lock down one or two of the new songs they did as I'm not that familiar with the new album yet.
Big in the USA is on Kris Ulrich's album. Seen him do it before and at the Rainbow he forgot he was doing it during Boy Golden's set and started it during his own before stopping and saying it was coming up later.

Are you sure Boy Golden closed with a Neil Young cover? Saw him in Ottawa the night before and he closed with Out on the Weekend, but it was his song. It's the last song on his new album and only shares a title with Neil's song.

Any Toronto shows of note coming up for you?

I'm excited that the Concert Hall has opened up again. I'll be catching the Wood Brothers there!

Greetings! I hope this message finds you well.

Looks like we are both based in (or near )Toronto and also happened to each be in NYC this past July at the exact same time! Had you ever been to the Village Vanguard before? Seeing Julian Lage was my first time going.

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