evilmorwen's setlist.fm

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Member since January 14, 2015
Last seen April 24, 2024
Edits so far 2531
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Re Molly Naylor, no I didn't attend.
I believe she has supported a lot of, if not all, the current Grace Petrie tour.
Being a spoken word performer, I'm not sure Molly performs any 'songs'.
It looks as though she is reciting from her collected works - 'Badminton', 'Stop Trying to be Fantastic' and the more recent 'Whatever You've Got' with maybe extracts from her longer-form writing?
It would be good to know which are performed and if the performance varies.

oh yeah I could already tell which one it is.
Its Wake Me Up/Running.

re: Fat Dog

Sure, send it over and I'll see if I can try and identify the song you have. There aren't too many shows of the band in 2021 :)

I find your argument regarding the date of first play compelling, and I have removed those references from the setlist. I agree that it repeats data already available from the hyperlink. Again, including that is not my usual practice, and the decision to do so in this circumstance was motivated by the unique circumstances of this band; however, as you point out, the database already has it covered.

I believe that designating unreleased songs as such is still a reasonable practice, in part since the association of songs with particular albums is only as reliable as MusicBrainz, which tends to be reasonably reliable for popular bands (with the exception that songs are sometimes attributed to greatest hits albums rather than the album on which they first appeared) but often unreliable for lesser known bands. But perhaps more importantly (and more compellingly), it also preserves the information that the song was unreleased at the time of the concert, which would not be readily apparent to the casual viewer without research. (The hyperlink to the song would give the name of the album on which the song subsequently appeared, but no information as to when that album was released.) I would argue that the release status of a song on a particular date is information related to the particular concert and likely of interest to viewers of the setlist.

Thanks again for your thoughtful feedback.

Hi, appreciate your comment. I agree that listing the last time a song was played is explicitly prohibited in the guidelines, but that is not what I've done here. While we don't need to list the album from which a song played in a setlist is taken, because setlist.fm already takes care of that for us, it is common to call out a song played that was previously unreleased, saving future viewers from having to do an internet search to figure out what that song might be. My custom for my own setlists is to go back and change those to "new song, subsequently released on xx/xx/xxxx on the xxxxx release when the song is eventually released, preserving the information that the song was unreleased at the time that it was played, but acknowledging that it is no longer unreleased.

The Sisters of Mercy are a somewhat unique band in that they play songs in their sets for decades without releasing them, and it is likely that they may never be released. However, characterizing them as new songs does not seem appropriate at this point, so I was looking for a way to provide future readers with useful background in a concise manner. This is the way I chose to do that. If you have ideas about a better way to achieve that objective, I'm certainly open to hearing it.

Perhaps we take a different perspective on the purpose of setlist.fm. You are clearly very knowledgeable about Sisters of Mercy, and to the hardcore fan, some of this information may seem redundant. My perspective is that, while the hardcore fan is certainly an important audience, setlist.fm should also serve the casual fan, who hasn't necessarily kept up with the band in recent years. It should serve the fan or researcher looking back years or decades later trying to reconstruct who was in the band or what the status of a song was at a particular point in time, information that may be available at the time a setlist was created, but often lost on the internet in subsequent years. My perspective is that the small cost to the hardcore fan that some information may be readily apparent to them at the time is greatly outweighed by the long term value of preserving this information within setlist.fm.

Thanks for taking the time to hear my perspectives. I respect the work you've done to support this platform, and I'm glad to have the opportunity to converse with another contributor.

Thanks for the link. It appears those two songs have evolved from each other, since.
A conundrum, where the 'Girlfriend' title is given for the song we now know as being called 'I Want to be Abducted (By a UFO)

Hi, thanks for your message re Wet Leg.
'Girlfriend' is one of the four demo tracks Wet Leg originally posted on soundcloud in 2019. That track is used here https://youtu.be/uDb0O_RK_6o
As you can hear, the lyrics make no reference to UFO abduction.
The same riff has been used in the more recent song 'I Want to be Abducted (By a UFO) which was considered for the album but ultimately excluded. "...UFO" is different lyrically and signicantly different in its composition to be considered a different song to 'Girlfriend' https://youtu.be/9ZZwGfPRWsI
If you disagree, change it back

Responding 2 months later but very much enjoyed the show! Art Brut is worth an international flight!

Yeah. They were great. I just put up the Gaffa Tape Sandy setlist as best as I could figure out.

Thanks for adding the Fightmilk setlist!