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Member since November 18, 2012
Last seen April 18, 2024
Edits so far 632
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I have a copy of someone else's audience recording of a Jeff Beck show that I believe was Dec 1, 1989 at the LA Sports Arena. For some reason, I only have 90 minutes. I assume it was longer. I forgot your name! Is it Dwight?

I might have that Beck SD show. Leaving this here to remind me to check.

Nice to meet you tonight, D. Hope to see you at Los Lobos.

Hello. I think we met at the CYHSY show recently. You have quite an excellent concert list, and we have seen many of the same bands. Pretty new to SD area. Nice to know you. Jeff

The concert took place during the anti war protests at Mankato State College (as it was called then) in the indoor arena which was called Highland Arena. St Paul is about 90 miles away.

Do you think this show could have been somewhere else in Mankato or maybe in St. Paul? I can't find any info on a "Highland Arena" in Mankato

Did anybody happen to record the audio from the Jeff Beck show in San Diego? I recorded it but there was a glitch and I only got the encore. I got all of Paul Rogers. I have a bunch of San Diego shows from 1998-2010 and 2016-present if anyone is interested in trading.

Absolutely, had to sell my Mercury Dimes collection for the ticket. A lot of psychedelics were present and it seemed to take forever to vacate the skating rink. The cops at the exits didn't know how to take these kids. Were you there?

Were you really at the Alice Cooper concert in Mankato in 1971?

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