bultsi's setlist.fm

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Member since April 17, 2010
Last seen April 17, 2024
Edits so far 3138
Edits last month 1


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Tässä oli koko setti joo. Marko veti olosuhteet nähden tosi hyvin, tosin Tuomo ja yleisö hoiti suurimmat osat cleaneistä Markon äänenpuutteen takia. Jännä setti sinäänsä että monet puhtaita lauluja sisältävät "ikivihreät" jäi soittamatta tästä syystä, ja ne korvattiin puhtaalla rässillä. Diggasin ite.

Rahoja en ala pyytelemään takas, tällasta sattuu ja tapahtuu. Mielummin soittivat lyhyemmän setin kun ei settiä ollenkaan :D

I see you complain about certain users. You don't have to complain on the setlist page but report them here https://www.setlist.fm/forum/setlistfm/website-support/spam-troll-user-3d6b9df . Moderators or administrators can't watch every setlist.
And it's really a bad idea to start doing the same as bad users. You know better, so you would do it on purpose to revenge, which is no better.

May I ask again to update the festivals?
Please use exact location or venue following the guidelines at
In the meantime when you create a new venue there's a specific warning not to use the festival name as venue
Please don't use festival names like Lollapalooza Festival for venues, but rather use the name of the actual venue, e.g. Grant Park in Chicago for this specific example. Also check our festival naming convention for details.

Please use exact location or venue for Wanaja Festival Hämeenlinna following the guidelines at https://www.setlist.fm/guidelines#festivalsHl
Some of which were uploaded by you.

User charts

bultsi saw 144 different artists.