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Andrea Gioè, cantautore Palermitano.
Dal 94 ha composto 346 canzoni.
11 album, 3 libri e 11 ep all’attivo.
Dal 2003 da autodidatta suona chitarra, ukulele, armonica, otamatone, banjo e mandolino.
Firma le musiche per 3 Film del Regista Carlo Comito.
Negli anni diversi artisti cantano le sue canzoni.
Nel 2004 studia canto con Tosca, F. Rosciglione, Maria Grazia Fontana e G. Scalise presso Cinecittà Campus.
16 Giugno - Insieme a Salvo Perino ha dato il via ai lavori del suo 12°album in studio "Gioè 40".
12 Gennaio 2024 - Fratel Biagio sarà il 12°ep del cantautore palermitano che anticipa Gioè 40 il suo 12°nuovo album in studio (Uscita prevista per il 16 Giugno 2024).
La canzone è un delicato omaggio ad un anno esatto dalla scomparsa del Frate Palermitano Biagio Conte, puro simbolo d'umiltà e carità verso gli ultimi.

Leggi la Biografia Integrale su Amazon


Member since August 4, 2015
Last seen April 6, 2024
Edits so far 2252
Edits last month 15


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When adding an info tag which you changed from normal parentheses at (Le refuge) to show it's a cover song, you might as well create the person on musicbrainz, which I just did to have him imported after some time and add the cover tag.


Can you explain why you changed Swing Gitan / La felicità, which you created originally to La felicità . Under the comment box is written to explain the reason why you add or edit something. It is there for a reason. This was already explained to you more than one month ago.
If you did this edit to cover tag one of the songs anyway and to turn around my question Please send us proof that both songs are composed and sung by Simona Molinari, it's a bad idea because if you sang both songs they have to be listed.
All doubtable edits may be reverted by the mods.

Please send us proof that both songs are composed and sung by Simona Molinari.
Under the comment box it is specifically asked to give a source for every edit.

Thanks for responding! Regarding the picture in your artist's profile, you can send an email to help at setlist dot fm with the picture and a permission to use it on this site.
I am busy for the next 2 days, but I will work with you after that on trying to insert all the correct artists to your setlists. Thanks again!

Hi, please try to follow our guidelines when adding setlists:

More specifically:
1- Don't use "(A.Gioè)" on song titles for your own songs.
2- Use @Cover[] for song titles from other artists, for example @Cover[Bob Dylan]
3- Use @Info[] to add any additional information to the song that is not part of the title, for example @Info[avec Eric]

Se non capisce l'inglese, posso riscrivere tutto questo in italiano. Grazie! Thanks!

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andreagioe saw 2 different artists.