akitykki's setlist.fm

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Member since August 2, 2012
Last seen April 18, 2024
Edits so far 1308
Edits last month 2


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Please use exact location or venue for Wanaja Festival Hämeenlinna following the guidelines at https://www.setlist.fm/guidelines#festivalsHl
Some of which were uploaded by you.

Please use exact location or venue for St Michel festival following the guidelines at

Hey there! I see that you were at this Blur show in 1996! This setlist is empty, and I was wondering if you happened to remember any of the songs that the band played at this show? If so, please get back to me so I can fill the setlist out. Thank you! :)


Oletpas kumman paljon ollut läsnä Happoradion keikoilla........

Terve Aki! Jos lisäät samalle päivälle kaksi keikkaa setlist.fm -sivustolle niin muista laittaa @Info tagilla tieto siitä molempiin keikkoihin ettei niitä poisteta kaksoikappaleena. Lisätietoa löydät täältä: http://www.setlist.fm/guidelines#multipleShows

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akitykki saw 47 different artists.