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About TonyWFFM


Member since May 11, 2016
Last seen April 7, 2024
Edits so far 1446
Edits last month 7


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I realize I mixed things up. If you have a link for the MMEB Crawley show, I'd be very grateful.

Hi Tony! I am a third year Drama student at the University of Sussex and I'm doing a project on the history of the ACCA (then called the Gardner Centre.) I was just wondering if you had any stories from your experience with the building when you saw Judie Tzuke in the 90s that you would be willing to share? Please let me know
- Eleanor

You show Judie Tzuke as appearing at South Shields Customs House on 04/02/07.
I notice that there is also the same listing for 04/02/97, which I assume is the correct date.

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