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Stzeross is a Roadie and takes care of your favourite artists and venues! stzeross


Member since August 17, 2012
Last seen April 19, 2024
Edits so far 127620
Edits last month 600


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mislim da je bila dosao sam da ti kazem da odlazim jer sam je po sjecanju stavio, ali ne mogu staviti ruku u vatru naravno niti je to toliko bitno, makni slobodno


Hi, I saw that back in 2013 you changed to the 4th of November. Are you sure this is correct? Foals already played that festival on the 2nd of November, is the 4th maybe a duplicate? The band is not mentioned here:

"U Zmajevom Gnijezdu je neko prije mene postavio kao naziv mjesta.........Ako slučajno nije isto mjesto promjeni. Samo pod Zagreb ne City of Zagreb."
Pozdrav! Osobno imam problem s dodavanjem novih mjesta, odnosno dvorana kad je ZG u pitanju jer mi nikad ne nudi samo Zagreb nego jedno 258 ulica, kvartova ili županija pa onda fakat ne znam kaj odabrat.

Za link za Ogenj u KC fala, budem to pogledao kad uhvatim vremena pa dopunim setlistu.

Hey. I found a source for 9 shows held during Eurovision Week. I added an @Info note and long source to the Mon rehearsal shows which should stop any modmins from deleting those setlists if a user submits for deletion.

Neman od Stepped Outa setlistu, sori.

Promenio sam na Private Venue.
Potpuno sam zaboravio na tu varijantu, hvala!

Jeste, ali mislim da nema smisla da pravim to kao venue...

Glede vaše izmjene izvođača za koncert u Boogaloo-u u Zagrebu 18.02.2011. - tada su svirali pod nazivom Zvijezde, a ne Metessi & Zvijezde, kako ste naveli u izmjeni. Uzgred, onaj link na Discogs nije baš smislen u ovom slučaju, ne?

Hello again, Stzeross.

Thank you for your comment regarding the latest Šajzerbiterlemon setlist
(Močvara, 10.11.2022.). I wasn't able to recall what was another song they
played, although I had the impression that there were 9 songs and, unfortunately,
I can't open the photo that supposedly shows the band's setlist. Could you please
copy that photo separately, for me to see it and I'll be glad to make the corrections.

Thank you,

Best regards,


Hi, Stzeross.
Regarding the latest Šumski setlist and the photo of the setlist written by the band,
it is true that the actual setlist contained more songs than what I had written in
the first version, e.g. Jednoga dana, but I wasn't sure about all of them. However, "Prijatelji se sele na selo" was definitely played in the encores part, after "Ostrvo ledenog kita", hence there are some differences between the band's playlist and the actual one.
Best regards,

For the Celeste and Conjurer shows, it seems that the shows were canceled, I just read a few Instagram comments from their posts at the time.

Center Slovanskih Kultur France Prešeren venues are merged. From the Facebook page I think that I have the wrong closing date and should be 2021 not 2020.

I can understand spoken Slovenian somewhat but I am not that good at the written language and Bosnian not at all so if you have any other suggestions about how the venues there should be listed please feel free to contact me.
Na kraju pojedinih videa sa može se čuti najava sljedeće pjesme. Siguran sam da ide:
Podigla me iz pepela -> Doktor -> Tex Willer
Back to R'N'R -> Pucko -> Ne volim te
Ako možeš potvrdi. Pozdrav!

Add song name is not a valid source for changing the way of writing. Give the link to either musicbrainz or where it's proven the songtitle should be written that way.
If you put a link as to why other users may learn something out of what a roadie does. is a wiki-effort, and it is important for us all to be as transparent and clear as possible in sharing information. To ensure that edits are verified for other users, and to avoid unnecessary discussions and save a lot of time in the future, edit comments have been made mandatory for all users.
Please ensure that you share informative comment with future edits, so that everybody understands where you received the information you're contributing.

Dodao sam Borisa na musicbrainz.

Hej Stzeross.
Na ovom intervjuu ( Ivan je rekao da setliste na Sputnik Promo Turneji će biti iste ili ti ga slične kao setlista u Tvornici (
Moje pitanje je da li mogu dodati sličnue setliste na ostalim koncertima u toj turneji kao na Tvornici?
May I ask again to go through all your edits and delete festival names from the tours.
As a roadie you represent more or less so please correct your errors. It's difficult to ask users to pay attention and follow the guidelines when roadies, moderators and admins don't follow the instructions themselves.

Maybe you could go through all your edits because I still find setlists which you linked to a tour which shouldn't like
Since you're a roadie now you represent more or less so it might be better we don't find too many errors from you, even if you made them in the past.

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