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About Tuttlema


Member since September 20, 2010
Last seen November 8, 2023
Edits so far 205
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Thanks for replying. I've got to hand it to you for your dedication to posting a complete setlist. I never would have searched YouTube videos to find song titles. Great Job!! Since those songs haven’t yet been release, I’m surprised they didn’t take the time to introduce them as new songs at their performances.

I have spent several hours trying to identify the songs Deadly Apples performed at USANA Amptheatre on August 22, 2018. I had finally identified all the songs except for the second and forth songs. So I went to post what I had, only to find that you had already posted it with the second "Help" and the forth "Petty" song titles. If you don’t mind me asking, how did you identify those two songs? I can’t find them anywhere online and the band didn’t introduce them either.

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