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Member since December 20, 2013
Last seen April 7, 2024
Edits so far 828
Edits last month 7


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And I listed a source for the edit back to the original. I would know as it was my own band. Please revert our song setlists back to as they were. And I would also suggest learning more about music if you are unsure of the difference between coverig and arranging a new version - or are you planning on going through every folk band ever’s setlists and changing every song to a traditional cover when it is their arrangement. No, of course you aren’t. So stop trolling my setlists from my own band.

If someone does a hard rock version of the Beatles' Yesterday it's considered a cover.
Also for translated songs the original remains. See also e.g.

You did not put a source to the original edit. Oddi did.
You certainly took your time (six complete months) to come back to this issue.
Instead of attacking someone who listed a source for the edit, you may learn the guidelines here and look up the source provided by that person. And read through it. And compare the songs.

Please use exact venue or location for festivals you attended and created

wait, what? Suggest you read the guidelines on cover assignments again before accusing someone of trolling:

There is absolutely no reason in the world why one would claim that traditional arrangements are Simon James Chisholm's own compositions.

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