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Member since April 22, 2020
Last seen August 13, 2023
Edits so far 65
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Thanks for responding about the Fort Wayne KISS gig. Two quick notes:

1. I reached out to Jim Arbogast and heard back from him already. He's combing his archives for the negatives of the two KISS shows he shot. One was Fort Wayne, the other was Atlanta a few years later (either late 1977 or summer 1979; he's not sure).
2. Do you recall the KISS gig in Fort Wayne being stopped early into the show when the packed audience collapsed the barrier at the front of the stage? According to a newspaper report, the show was stopped for about 30 minutes. Any recollections of that?


Hi there, I was hoping to ask you a couple of questions about the April 11, 1976 KISS concert you attended in Fort Wayne.

1. Do you recall if either Detroit Rock City and God of Thunder were performed or not? (Neither song had ever been performed live at this point.)
2. Did you or anyone you know take photos or record the show on audio / video?

Thanks for your help.


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