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Member since September 20, 2011
Last seen April 11, 2024
Edits so far 430
Edits last month 13


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Hey. It says you had an audio recording of the NOFX set at Leeds Festival. Would love to hear that as I was there. Would you be willing to share it?

No probs dude. It's easy to miss, literally 30 seconds long plus they played a different sample after

Hey man, I don't know if you got it but I emailed you a link to all the bcnr shows I have currently and it also has their previous bands unreleased album.

I'm on pc so mp3 would be great cheers! :)

Yeah that'd be great if you could send that over cheers.

Sorry forgot to reply, only new thing I learnt was wet sheets is called basketball Shoes. Also recorded both of the YES Shows with the basement one having two new unfinished songs.!m5ECzSAL!cij0cw_Wsp1uVDVrLbMAfQ - Pink Room Set!iw0DyCCL!WlZeTBRmCTxPYcLApFQSlA - Basement Set

Hi mate about the bcnr song titles, at all the gigs I've been to I've spoken to the band after and those are the titles they use, instrumental is just called instrumental too. Only Wet sheets is a fan name but I'm seeing them again tomorrow so I'll make sure to ask if it has a title yet.

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