LocalRoadie's setlist.fm

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Member since December 17, 2018
Last seen April 24, 2020
Edits so far 540
Edits last month 0


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We don't really allow people to copy and paste setlists from concerts that they didn't even attend. If someone who DID attend thinks those setlists are accurate then they can copy and paste it themselves, but you have no way to confirm those shows are correct.

Ghost's 2019 tour with Metallica is oficially named "A Summer Tour..." not "A Pale Tour..."

Please be more careful with your edits. The correct venue was given in the link you posted. The reason I noticed it was this band was extremely unlikely to have played at Rubloff and I probably would have deleted it. It's great that you posted the link so we were able to get it right though.


When adding shows, especially very recent ones with an Unknown Venue as a

location, it's advised to put a source for this, otherwise these might be

considered as fake.

User charts

LocalRoadie saw 31 different artists.