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Member since November 16, 2014
Last seen January 28, 2023
Edits so far 292
Edits last month 0


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For this setlist
When someone plays a song already recorded by someone else, this is called a cover and should be noted as the original artist listed it. This song was covered over 300 times (see last link) so if you list the song incomplete and without the cover tag the statistics get messed up. Okay?
Please read through the guidelines and if you don't understand read it again or ask someone.

Since I don't have any information about the festival I just limited it to one day. Since you attended the concert you might know if this was a festival spread over several dates, and if the festival was held on other locations.

OK but you have times to respond five times but not adjust a setlist.
To be honest, it took you more time to respond every time than doing it yourself.

You say this is the only info you have while three messages before you tell
There was no actual venue, Festival Patio Stage is the name of the stage on the street in Dundas during the Dundas Cactus Festival.
So you might delete the Dundas Cactus Festival as a tour and link the setlist to the festival, following the guidelines I sent to you.

Everybody has to contribute to the best of his knowledge.
I sent you the link to update the festival and delete the tour, it's your responsibility to give the correct information.
If you don't want to learn from the misinformation you put down, you might continue doing so in future and give your fellow users, roadies, moderators and administrators extra work which you could have done in the first place.
Please use exact location or venue following the guidelines at
In the meantime when you create a new venue there's a specific warning not to use the festival name as venue
Please don't use festival names like Lollapalooza Festival for venues, but rather use the name of the actual venue, e.g. Grant Park in Chicago for this specific example. Also check our festival naming convention for details.


Thanks for your reply.

Here my mail address



I'm looking for a scan of the concert ticket from Phil Collins In Toronto.
Did you keep your ticket?

Thank you!