KarmicArbiter's setlist.fm

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Member since January 24, 2016
Last seen April 18, 2024
Edits so far 26
Edits last month 0


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I'm trying to recall which bands were at The Edge of the Cumberland Concert in Nashville on May 4, 1996. It was the Lounge Flounders, Cowboy Mouth, the Nixons, God Lives Underwater, the Toadies, and one other band. Do you recall the other band?

Thank you so much.


Thanks for your reply. Perhaps the venue was changed after my ticket was printed. I honestly do not remember if that was the case, and it was almost a decade ago. I'll accept that you are more familiar with the area than I. I switched it back to TPAC. Your sure your tickets are for the same date, right?


Hi KarmicArbiter,
You had recently suggested an edit for the venue name of The Australian Pink Floyd show on Nov. 18, 2006. Here's a link to my ticket scan for that event
The War Memorial Auditorium is governed by, and across the street from , TPAC.

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KarmicArbiter saw 156 different artists.