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About Joe Reddit


Member since July 30, 2012
Last seen December 5, 2015
Edits so far 52
Edits last month 0


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Send me your email and I'll hopefully be able to answer what you want to know.

No problem asking about concert - fire your questions at me! Hopefully I still have those moments in my memory banks (age).
- - Kabblammachunk

Hey Joe,

What do you want to know about which concert? I'm curious! Drop your email and I will send you a message.

Nem biztos, hogy sok mindenre emlékszem már.

Please feel free to ask in my comments section and I will answer if I am able to.

Give me a mail and i'll send you from mine to ask me anything you want.

Prison song gets played entirely on the current soad tour, so this is not a medley, please stop editing it