
IceMan's user profile image



Member since April 1, 2014
Last seen April 18, 2024
Edits so far 1062
Edits last month 95


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SOURCES are required for adding and editing setlists on this site.

For example, for this Brittney Spencer setlist:
You could copy/paste the link to the venue website listing the show, Brittney's Instagram/social media/website listing the show, or any other place on the internet the show appears.

If you're standing at a venue and see a long list of shows on a flyer or posted on a wall sign, take a picture and upload the pic to a free photo-sharing site like Flikr and use the link to that picture as the source.

Without a source, we have no way of verifying if the shows are real. They may be reported for not having. source and be deleted.

Thanks for adding to the site, but please use sources moving forward so the edits can be verified.

been seeing shows since 1985

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