Hercules26fr's setlist.fm

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Elton John fan since 1989, collect everything about this artist, and tickets too ! old and new
Feel free to send me a message if you have any EJ item for sale or for trade
Best regards from France


Member since January 30, 2020
Last seen April 16, 2024
Edits so far 3
Edits last month 0


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I think I do still have my tickets you asked me about but unfortunately no idea where they are. I'll let you know if I find them. (Last year I found my Michael Jackson ticket from around the same time so there's hope!)

Hi there

I’m sorry, I only have good memories of the Elton John shows in Switzerland , but no tickets…

Best wishes,

I’m sorry, I haven’t anything to trade.
Thank you.

I'm sorry I haven't anything to trade.

Sorry, it must be stored somewhere with my student stuff from over 40 years ago. If I ever lay a hand on the ticket, you'll be the first to know.
Cheers, mate!

je garde bien précieusement mes billets originaux (surtout de l'époque où ils étaient beaux !)
je n'ai pas de doublon, hélas

Eh oui j’ai une expérience sympa des concerts d’Elton ! Par contre je garde les billets par nostalgie (surtout les anciens imprimés) mais je vais voir si j’en ai en double

User charts

Hercules26fr saw one artist.

1 Elton John 46