
Bouffbrownstone's user profile image


Member since March 5, 2010
Last seen December 10, 2023
Edits so far 11
Edits last month 0


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Hello! I am currently working on a project of the U2 concerts from London back in 2018, where we collect videos from the audience and edit them together with audio from the concerts. This project is completely made by fans, so no one will earn any money from this and the project will be shared for free. Everyone who shares their videos will also receive credits for doing so.
Here is an example of Dublin 2018:

Did you by any chance record any videos from these nights in London? (Or maybe know someone who did?)
If you did, comment on my profile or email me at LosslessJoel [at]

User charts

Bouffbrownstone saw 236 different artists.