New Setlist Edit Form (users)

New Setlist Edit Form (users)

Posted 17 Jul 2020, 8:03:44


as some of you might have already noticed, there is a new way to edit setlists available. Activate it by setting the “Preferred Edit Format” to “Line by Line (preview)” in your user settings and then start adding/editing setlists the way you're used to. You can always switch back to the current editor in case of any bugs (or if you don't like it).

The new form is optimised for mobile usage and comes without the markup language, i.e. the various tags such as @Cover or @Set can now be added without knowing the specific syntax. Note that the guidelines are still 100% valid and e.g. a cover is still a cover. The only thing that changed is the way they get entered into a setlist.

So any feedback, bugs etc. should go in here.

Re: New Setlist Edit Form (users)

Posted 23 Aug 2020, 0:35:50

I can't preview in the old edit form. I click and it seems to load, but nothing happens. And unless I didn't check correctly, you can't preview in the new edit form. Am I right?

Re: New Setlist Edit Form (users)

Posted 24 Aug 2020, 7:18:59

I can't preview in the old edit form. I click and it seems to load, but nothing happens.

There's a slight bug in it: you need to provide an edit comment (at least 11 characters long), then the preview shows.

And unless I didn't check correctly, you can't preview in the new edit form. Am I right?

You are right, there's no preview in the new edit form. The reason is simple: what you see is what you get. There's not special syntax for stuff (no @Cover etc.), so the edit form actually is the preview.

Re: New Setlist Edit Form (users)

Posted 24 Aug 2020, 12:32:24

Thanks For the tip!

Re: New Setlist Edit Form (users)

Posted 27 Aug 2020, 4:25:20

There are so many mistakes that are so easy. Most of my corrections are beginner's mistake and i need to justify making these corrections? I have to justify changing Gloria @Cover[Van Morrison] to Gloria @Cover[Them]. I have to justify my correction to one user over the 2841 others who made the right edit? and consider the fact that i still believe that Gloria should be called a @Cover[Van Morrison] because Them is another one of those non-existing bands.

Re: New Setlist Edit Form (users)

Posted 27 Aug 2020, 6:00:11

I read your rant, what is the question?

Re: New Setlist Edit Form (users)

Posted 27 Aug 2020, 16:20:55

There's no question, i just want to point out the fact that there are things that don't need to be justified. When you have to correct 5 songs, you copy/paste the song five times and you will have to write the same explication five times and you can only copy/paste one thing at a time.

Can anybody here give me the proof that 2 + 2 = 4. I won't take your word for it, i need a proof.

Last edited 27 Aug 2020, 16:22:37

Re: New Setlist Edit Form (users)

Posted 28 Aug 2020, 6:36:48

i just want to point out the fact that there are things that don't need to be justified.

That's your opinion and this doesn't fly with's guidelines. Every change needs to have a source or an explanatory comment. What's obvious to you isn't for a lot of other users, that's where problems, discussions and revert wars start.

and you will have to write the same explication five times and you can only copy/paste one thing at a time.

Use the new edit form (which this forum topic is actually about) – you'll have your most recently used editing comments listed there for exactly this use case. So you can copy the song and use the same source with only one click.

Can anybody here give me the proof that 2 + 2 = 4.

Sure, see here.

Re: New Setlist Edit Form (users)

Posted 30 Aug 2020, 22:22:14

So i understand this new way of justifying edits but what about the medleys? Is it now possible to assign each part of a medley to the original artist? Will medleys be called medleys automatically?

Re: New Setlist Edit Form (users)

Posted 31 Aug 2020, 7:44:37

Is it now possible to assign each part of a medley to the original artist? Will medleys be called medleys automatically?

No, not yet. But the UI is prepared to support exactly that in the future. Currently it's just an easier (read: less error prone) way to enter medleys. The result on the actual setlist and the stats is still the same.

Re: New Setlist Edit Form (users)

Posted 31 Aug 2020, 15:45:52

So if i understand correctly, you add the different part of the medley and it will automatically be formatted as song(space)song(space)(space)-(space)song etc.

That's good, that's how i used to do it.

However, we can't edit songs by copy/pasting the whole thing (song title @Cover[original artist]) like we used to
If you have to correct a whole setlist full of capitalization mistakes, you will have to select each song one at a time. No easy way to move on to the next song.

Nevertheless, i mostly agree with the new way.

Re: New Setlist Edit Form (users)

Posted 1 Sep 2020, 11:01:08

im having issues/problems adding setlist;s that are missing. one I've added them they just get removed

Re: New Setlist Edit Form (users)

Posted 1 Sep 2020, 11:11:58

im having issues/problems adding setlist;s that are missing. one I've added them they just get removed

This is the wrong forum topic. This is about the new edit form.

Re: New Setlist Edit Form (users)

Posted 1 Sep 2020, 11:27:39

which forum do i add it to?

Re: New Setlist Edit Form (users)

Posted 7 Sep 2020, 18:02:25

When the songs of a medley are by the same artist, you can't assign it to that artist no more.,+Rattle+and+Roll+/+Flip+Flop+and+Fly

Auto-format won't do it, they'll write the name of the songs correctly if needed but will take out the @Cover, the one that you had added yourself.

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